Time and distance away from home app

This project, when completed, seeks to notify users, when prompted, how long or far they've been away from home. As well as their current location. Using Python.


The project's main purpose is to notify users on how long they've left home. Using their home address, or any of their choices, as their default home.

It will also show them the total distance from their current location to their default home; with features telling them the longest or farthest they've been from home.

The methodology includes using Python programming language.

One of my major challenges is the level of my Python skills. As a beginner, I aim to learn how to program using this project to practice what I've learned.

Task Owner Creation Date
Source for volunteers, to assist in making the project a reality.

Project State

Public Project Participation wanted


Software Licence: Project has no software
Hardware Licence: Project has no hardware

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