A e-Commerce moving store.

How About We shop at Door step? Oh Wait we think we do that by online Shopping isn't it ?. It is Just a typical Misconception that we shop at our doorstep while we actually do is click on a Product which we see online which might be fit or Unfit or Perishable/ Nonperishable if it is a Grocery product. We are here to solve those problem by having a e-Wagon which will be self driving to have consumer's products where they can handpick their goods at your doorstep by clicking on our app where we will have a e-Wagon full of grocery where you can handpick your goods , Sounds Exiting Right?


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Public Project Participation wanted


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communitymanager report abuse
Exiting! What's the current state? Are you still at the beginning? Are you looking for participants? Please let us know how we can help
guru-kishore report abuse
We are working on it would love to have Participants.
communitymanager report abuse __ edited
Hi, if you want to win over some more participants we'd like to propose to share some more information via the documentation tab, so other users see the current status. Or you could also use the task list for example to document open implementation tasks you still do not have a solution for. I'm sure then others would love to join because you project sounds pretty amazing.
communitymanager report abuse
What's your current status? If you have technical questions, please use our Forum to find help and get answers.
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