Basler ToF Camera with ROS

In this tutorial you will find out how to successfully install and use the Basler ToF camera with ROS. For this installation you will need a Basler ToF camera.


Installing ROS 

  • chose the ROS suitable for your platform. In our case, it is the ROS Indigo that will be running on an Nvidia TK1.
  • To install ROS, please follow the instructions of your ROS package, which can be found here: Notice that if you are working behind a proxy you might have to use [sudo –E rosdep inti] instead of [sudo rosdep init] at the step: Initialize rosdep.

  • After that, you can run [rosdep update] as usual. 

    sudo –E rosdep inti

    rosdep update


Installing Basler ToF driver

If these steps are completed you have finished the installation of ROS. Now you can proceed with the installation of the BaslerToF driver available from

To install the Basler ToF Driver in /opt/BaslerToF, follow these steps:

  • Change to the directory which contains this INSTALL file, e.g.:

    cd ~/basler-tof-driver-1.0.0-x86

  • Copy the BaslerToF directory to /opt.

    sudo cp -r BaslerToF /opt

  • Afterwards you can execute the Pylon Viewer App to test your cameras


This installation guide can also be found in the INSTALL file of your BaslerToF driver.

Installing ROS driver for Basler ToF 

In the last step, you will install the BaslerToF ROS driver from 

  • clone the following repository ( into the previously created catkin_ws/src.
  • Change into the catkin_ws dictionary and execute catkin_make

After that is done, the installation should be complete and ready for any use.


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Public Project


Software Licence: BSD-3-Clause
Hardware Licence: Project has no hardware

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