1. Touch switches to switch 'ON' and 'OFF' lights and fans of the room. 2. Bluetooth connectivity for android app.
Smart switches contains 6 switches which can be operated through touch.
Slide up on the red indicator to switch 'ON' and Slide down on it to switch ' OFF'.
The casing used above is of the normal switch board casing with all the indicators installed.
The internal components of each indicator is replaced with two IR detectors , one IR transmitter and one LED as shown in the image above.
The back of the switch panel is shown in below image with LM538 (op-amp) connected one for each switch :
The outputs of the op-amps are given as inputs to Arduino Uno** **micro-controller board used in the system.
SoftwareSerial mySerial(9, 10); // Pin 9 as RX and Pin 10 as TX
void setup() {
mySerial.begin(9600); // Setting the baud rate of GSM Module
Serial.begin(9600); // Setting the baud rate of Serial Monitor (Arduino)
pinMode ( 2, INPUT);
pinMode ( 3, INPUT);
pinMode ( 4, INPUT);
pinMode ( 5, INPUT);
pinMode ( 6, INPUT);
pinMode ( 7, INPUT);
pinMode ( 8, INPUT);
pinMode ( 11, INPUT); //Input mode for 4 IR switches
pinMode ( A0, OUTPUT);
pinMode ( A1, OUTPUT);
pinMode ( A2, OUTPUT);
pinMode ( A3, OUTPUT);
pinMode ( A4, OUTPUT);
pinMode ( A5, OUTPUT); // Output for 6 relays and LEDs
void loop()
if ( digitalRead(2)==HIGH)
digitalWrite(A0, HIGH); // Switch 1 'ON' state
if ( digitalRead(3)==HIGH)
digitalWrite(A0, LOW); // Switch 1 'OFF' state
if ( digitalRead(4)==HIGH)
digitalWrite(A1, HIGH); //Switch 2 'ON' state
if ( digitalRead(5)==HIGH)
digitalWrite(A1, LOW); //Switch 2 'OFF' state
if ( digitalRead(6)==HIGH)
digitalWrite(A2, HIGH); //Switch 3 'ON' state
if ( digitalRead(7)==HIGH)
digitalWrite(A2, LOW); //Switch 3 'OFF' state
if ( digitalRead(8)==HIGH)
digitalWrite(A3, HIGH); //Switch 4 'ON' state
if ( digitalRead(11)==HIGH)
digitalWrite(A3, LOW); //Switch 4 'OFF' state
if (Serial.available()>0)
{ char ch = Serial.read(); // Input from bluetooth module
digitalWrite(A0, HIGH); // switch 'ON' switch 1
digitalWrite(A0, LOW); // switch 'OFF' switch 1
digitalWrite(A1, HIGH); // switch 'ON' switch 2
digitalWrite(A1, LOW); // switch 'OFF' switch 2
digitalWrite(A2, HIGH); // switch 'ON' switch 3
digitalWrite(A2, LOW); // switch 'OFF' switch 3
digitalWrite(A3, HIGH); // switch 'ON' switch 4
digitalWrite(A3, LOW); // switch 'OFF' switch 4
digitalWrite(A4, HIGH); // switch 'ON' switch 5
digitalWrite(A4, LOW); // switch 'OFF' switch 5
digitalWrite(A5, HIGH); // switch 'ON' switch 6
digitalWrite(A5, LOW); // switch 'OFF' switch 6
mySerial.write('G'); // send a signal to window/curtain controller to open Window
mySerial.write('g'); // send a signal to window/curtain controller to close Window
mySerial.write('H'); // send a signal to window/curtain controller to open curtain
if(ch =='h')
mySerial.write('h'); // send a signal to window/curtain controller to close curtain
if (mySerial.available()>0)
if(mySerial.read()=='Z') // receive a signal from door controller through window/curtain controller to switch 'OFF' all the lights
digitalWrite(A0, LOW);
digitalWrite(A1, LOW);
digitalWrite(A2, LOW);
digitalWrite(A3, LOW);
digitalWrite(A4, LOW);
digitalWrite(A5, LOW); // switch all the switches 'OFF'
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