From Zero to Python OpenCV 3 on Windows x64

This guide will get you all set up for Python-based image processing on any x64 mashine!


From Zero to Python OpenCV 3 on Windows x64

This guide will get you all set up for Python-based image processing on any x64 mashine! You should also be familiar with basic usage of your system's terminal. Let's get started!


  1. This guide assumes that you're running Windows x64 on your machine. I've created the guide on a Advantech AIIS-1200P, which is a typical mashine for a vision application.
  2. Ensure your system's software is up-to-date.


Pylon contains all the software we need for interacting with Basler cameras. Builds are provided for multiple platforms.

  1. Download the latest pylon version from here, pick the hardfloat ARM version for Linux
  2. Unpack the file to a directory of your choice
  3. Follow the instructions in the INSTALL file. Do not attempt to run the pylon viewer as it is not bundled with ARM releases
  4. After successful installation plug in e.g. your Basler USB camera
  5. Now we will check if everything works. In your terminal move to pylon's Samples/Grab directory and execute make, then run ./Grab, you should see some text scrolling with information about pictures being grabbed

OpenCV and Python 3

On a x64 Windows mashine it's quite easy to get OpenCV up and running. The easiest way is using Miniconda for the installation.

  1. Download and install Miniconda. Miniconda also allows you to manage several Python installations easily.
  2. I recomment creating a new enviroment for this setup, but this is not mandatory. Therefore use these commands:
    _ conda create --anyName _
    _ activate anyName _
  3. Now its very easy to install OpenCV by the following commands. Numpy is not necessary, but strongly reccomendet.
    _**conda install -c menpo numpy

conda install -c menpo opencv3*_
4. Check your fresh installation of OpenCV by typing:

import cv2_**


The only missing part is connecting Python to your camera now. PyPylon takes care of this task. This step is compatible with any Basler camera. If you are using other cameras check if it offers a Python interface.

  1. First, ensure you're using the cv virtualenv you created while installing OpenCV
  2. Get your exact python version by running python --version from within your virtualenv
  3. Using this information, pick the corresponding PyPylon version from here

(e.g. Python 3.5 → ..pypylon-1.0.7+pylon5.0.5.8999-cp35-none-win_amd64.whl) 4. Install the whl file with pip via pip install *path-to-whl* 5. Check the installation by typing:

import pypylon.pylon_**

Done! You can either try out our example projects now or create some cool stuff of your own. Have fun!


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sven-verpoort report abuse
Is there a PyPylon version for Python 3.6 ? We urgently need a working solution for cp36 on Win 32bit and we would highly appreciate if someone could help us.
pylonguy report abuse
I just uploaded a new pypylon release (1.1.0) to GitHub, it also contains wheels for cp36 and cp37 for Windows. It requires pylon 5.11 though (download for free from Basler website).
javier-zamarreno report abuse
Hello, I'm trying to install pypylon in python 2.7 and I couldn't. Could you help me? I have followed all the steps that you mention but when a try to import the pypylon.import, python returns a message saying that the module doesn't exist. Please help me!
pylonguy report abuse
What OS are you running? Did you install the binary or did you build from source? Are you able to run the samples? Could you send me the line of Code which imports pypylon?
javier-zamarreno report abuse
I'm using Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS. I have followed instructions that appear here: I try both, install binary and build from source. I have downloaded the wheel and the source code giving with this wheel --> After that I extracted both and I don't know how to follow. I don't know if some of them goes inside other or something like that. Also using the terminal and the command cd I have gone to the folder that has WHELL script and try pip3 install WHELL. Finally I have put: *_python import pypylon.pylon_** The terminal returns ImportError: No module named pypylon.pylon Please, could you help me. I'm very lost. Thank you so much.
pylonguy report abuse
you can install pypylon simply by downloading the wheel that fits to your versions of pythin an pylon. if you're using e.g. pylon 5.11 and python 2.7 on a Linux 64 bit system you must download the wheel pypylon-1.3.1-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl (on a Linux 32 bit System you download pypylon-1.3.1-cp27-cp27mu-linux_i686.whl). Then just go to the download Directory and type pip install pypylon-1.3.1-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl - that's it. You don't have to extract anything.
javier-zamarreno report abuse
problem solved thank you so much.
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