SightLine Applications is an industry leader in onboard video processing for advanced camera systems. SightLine processor boards are integrated at the camera level to provide low-latency video processing on a variety of platforms. Compatible with a wide range of cameras, the compact hardware options enable elegant system architectures. Video processing features support a range of surveillance, inspection, and counter UAS applications. Software features include encoding, tracking, enhancement, recording and much more. Our team is committed to constantly improving the video functions. SightLine understands that experience matters and can proudly claim over a million flight hours in unmanned vehicles.
1500-OEM: Designed to add advanced capabilities to even the smallest camera systems, the 1500 is a very small, low-power, single-channel on-board video processing solution. Configuration options and a wide range of input accessory boards provide critical integration flexibility.
The 1500-SOM, the key component of the OEM product, is the smallest form factor option for incorporation of SightLine video processing functions. Reference design support is provided to help customers integrate the System on Module into customer circuit board designs.
3000-OEM: It includes two video channels providing a full suite of processing functions. The 3000-OEM can provide full frame rate HD IP streaming with KLV data, stabilzation, and object tracking at 1080p/30. Configuration options and a wide range of accessory boards provide important integration flexibility.
Our Video Processing software is the foundation for all SightLine Applications video processor products. The software library provides a powerful wuite of functions critical to advanced camera system integrators. Flexible configuration of functions allow integrators to optimize their system for a wide variety of Intelligence, Survellance, Reconnaissance (ISP), Inspection, and other applications.
Optional Software Feature List: Stabilization, Object Tracking, Autonomous Landing Aid, IP Video Encoding, KLV Metadata, Detection Base, Detection Advanced, Telemetry Data, Snapshot and Video Recording, Enhancement, Autofocus Telemetry, Multi-Camera Blending, HD-Input, and HD-Output.
2828 SW Corbett Ave
97201 Portland
Phone: 503-616-3063
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