X-SPEX is developer and manufacturer of OEM video recording and visualization products called „DIRIS“. These DIRIS systems are designed for easy product integration and configuration by OEM customers as well as reliable and easy operation by the end user. DIRIS hardware and software is configurable.
Berlin, Germany
- configurable overlay for live view and/or recording
- down to 0 ms visualization delay
- autosplit of long recordings
- various inputs incl. CameraLink
- direct display connection (LVDS)
Auxilliary products enhance functionality, e.g.:
- battery control for mobile devices
- IO adapter to support fast time to market
Customer specific requirements addressed by multiple steps:
1. software configuration, e.g.
boot logo, graphics, PWM steps, zoom stages, fonts,
menu structure, color scheme, …
2. hardware assembly options, e.g.
Different interfaces, different sockets (external/internal)
3. software enhancement, eg.
customer‘s UART protocol
4. hardware variants, eg.
interface combination, special ports, PCB outline, ...
Albert-Einstein-Str. 14
12489 Berlin
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