Levels & Points

Collect points on our Imaginghub site and improve your ranking on the leaderboard!

Hello Imaginghub users,

We want you to know how much we value your contributions. Collect points for your activities on Imaginghub! That is why we have introduced a leaderboard on the Imaginghub. You can collect points for your activities here. The more points you achieve the higher your ranking will get. So be active and reach the top of the list. The leader board shows the top 50 users with most valid activities. Have a look at your ranking in the list.


What do the Imaginghub points mean?

You can get points


Do you get something for your points?


Where can you see how many points you have received in which level?


Not a member, but you want to join and contribute in the community? Click here to register on the Imaginghub!


For which actions do you get points?

Action Points earned
First winner of a contest + 50
Second winner of a contest + 40
Third winner of a contest + 30
Start a new project on the Imaginghub + 15
Follow of your project

For all project members:
+ 1 for more than 10 Follower
+ 5 for more than 20 Follower
+ 10 for more than 50 Follower
+ 25 for more than 100 Follower

Post a new question + 5
Post a comment or an answer + 1
Answer was marked as "best answer + 15
Vote up or down of a post +/- 1


Keep on collecting points and you will be rewarded!

Dependent on your number of points, you are assigned to a certain level. When does the level change? You will achieve the first level change after you have received 100 points. But the higher levels become even more demanding.

Now it's your turn! Log in or register, collect points and reach the top of the list on the leaderboard.

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