Badges & Points? Tell us your opinion!

communitymanager report abuse

Hi guys!

Right now we use a point system to increase your level whenever you share knowledge and insight, post a project etc. We are considering introducing badges. Why do we think about badges? Be active, interact with other users. Lots of helpful answers? Lots of badges! In addition, badges show more clearly what you have achieved. Badges are more specific in terms of different user activities. Wanna have badges and points or only badges? What do you think? Tell us your opinion.

We are looking forward to your feedback!
Katharina (Imaginghub community manager)


JuanG report abuse

Badges :)

communitymanager report abuse
Good to know. Thanks for your feedback. Katharina (Imaginghub community manager)
K.H report abuse __ edited

Perhaps a mix of both? Badges to be able to see what a person has already worked with and a point system for a generall overview of how much a person has accomplished. As an Example badges: Python, C++, Pylon and User Level 3.

communitymanager report abuse
Good idea! We keep that in mind. Thanks for your feedback, Katharina (Imaginghub community manager)
K.H report abuse
Would it also Be possible to implement "accept" an answer or "close" a Post so that it can be seen as resolved?
woody-C report abuse

Mix of both would be cool. 

communitymanager report abuse
Hi woody-C! Thanks for sharing your opinion. It will be noted :) Katharina (Imaginghub community manager)
AnJoel report abuse

I like badges

communitymanager report abuse
Sounds good! Thanks for calling out. Katharina (Imaginghub community manager)
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