Connection to Basler GigE is problematic

SalahuddinAsh report abuse

Hi everyone,

I'm using Basler acA 1300-30gc for a couple of months. The connection between the PC and Basler is not straightforward. Many times I can connect the camera without any problems. Many times I can not connect the camera, no matter what I do. Of course I set the IP address and the subnet mask for the PC. Many times, after I establish the connect, it get lost for no reason. I'm working on Ubuntu 16.04.

Any help would be appreciated.



mhebbel report abuse

Hi SalahuddinAsh,

do you have any more information? which version of pylon are you using? does the camera work with DHCP settings?


SalahuddinAsh report abuse

Thanks @mhebbel for your reply.

I'm using pylon 5. I think the camera supports with DHCP but I couldn't get it to work with it before. Now, I can't even get connected to the camera.

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