How to create an AVI File on a Linux environment?

Caprico report abuse __ edited

Hi all,

the pylon for Linux version doesn't come with a built-in AVI class. Has anyone ever used OpenCV to write an AVI file with pylon? What would be a good alternative?




T1000 report abuse

QT has also a AVI Class. You may try this.

bjoernrennfanz report abuse

Hi you could also use FFMpeg API to write an AVI file. Please lock at this samples ( Line 200 and follow...

Simply grab an image frame with pylon API, then encode it with FFMpeg, write it to AVI file and do the same loop again.

Best regards


mbinev report abuse

`// Include files to use OpenCV API.




include `

`// Include files to use the PYLON API.





`// Use sstream to create image names including integer

include `

// Namespace for using pylon objects. using namespace Pylon;

// Namespace for using GenApi objects using namespace GenApi;

// Namespace for using opencv objects. using namespace cv;

//Namespace for using cout. using namespace std;

// Number of images to be grabbed. uint32_t nImagesToGrab= 0;

// Number of images to be saved. uint32_t nImagesToSave= 0;

// Save AVI video? 0- No; 1- Yes. uint32_t saveVideo= 0;

// Print usage. void printUsage() {  cout << "Usage: Grab.exe <int 1> <int 2> <int 3>\n";  cout << "\t<int 1>: Number of images to grab.\n";  cout << "\t<int 2>: Number of images to save. If \'0\', no images will be saved.\n";  cout << "\t<int 3>: Save video? \'0\'- No; \'1\'- Yes.\n"; }

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {     // The exit code of the sample application.     int exitCode = 0;

    // Automagically call PylonInitialize and PylonTerminate to ensure the pylon runtime system     // is initialized during the lifetime of this object.     Pylon::PylonAutoInitTerm autoInitTerm;

    // Check if command line arguments were passed.     // '1'- No argumentnts were passed.     if (argc == 1) {      // Grab 100.000 images and display them.  nImagesToGrab= 100000;     }     // The correct number if arguments was passed     else if (argc == 4) {  nImagesToGrab= atoi(argv[1]);  if (nImagesToGrab < 1)   nImagesToGrab= 1;  nImagesToSave= atoi(argv[2]);  if (nImagesToSave < 0) {   nImagesToSave= 0;  }  if (nImagesToSave > nImagesToGrab)   nImagesToSave= nImagesToGrab;  saveVideo= atoi(argv[3]);  if (saveVideo < 0)   saveVideo= 0;     }     // Wrong number of arguments was passed.     // Print usage.     else {  printUsage();  cerr << endl << "Press Enter to exit." << endl;  while( cin.get() != '\n');  exit(1);     }

    try     {         // Create an instant camera object with the camera device found first.         CInstantCamera camera( CTlFactory::GetInstance().CreateFirstDevice());

        // Print the model name of the camera.         cout << "Using device " << camera.GetDeviceInfo().GetModelName() << endl;

 // Get the camera nodemap to access camera features  INodeMap& nodemap= camera.GetNodeMap();  camera.Open();  CIntegerPtr width(nodemap.GetNode("Width"));  CIntegerPtr height(nodemap.GetNode("Height"));  // Set the width  if (IsWritable (width))   width->SetValue(640);  if (IsReadable(width))                 cout << "Set AOI Width: " << width->GetValue() << endl;

 // Set the height  if (IsWritable (height))   height->SetValue(480);  if (IsReadable(height))                 cout << "Set AOI Height: " << height->GetValue() << endl;

 // Set the pixel format to 8bit to save bandwidth in USB2.0 mode  CEnumerationPtr pixelFormat(nodemap.GetNode("PixelFormat"));  if (IsAvailable(pixelFormat->GetEntryByName("BayerBG8")))   pixelFormat->FromString("BayerBG8");  else if (IsAvailable(pixelFormat->GetEntryByName("BayerRG8")))   pixelFormat->FromString("BayerRG8");  else if (IsAvailable(pixelFormat->GetEntryByName("BayerGR8")))   pixelFormat->FromString("BayerGR8");  else if (IsAvailable(pixelFormat->GetEntryByName("BayerGB8")))   pixelFormat->FromString("BayerGB8");  else pixelFormat->FromString("Mono8");

 cout << "Set Pixel Format: " << pixelFormat->ToString() << endl;

 // We need the payload size to create the video  CIntegerPtr payloadSize(nodemap.GetNode("PayloadSize"));

 // Set the frame rate  CBooleanPtr frameRateEnable(nodemap.GetNode("AcquisitionFrameRateEnable"));  if (IsWritable (frameRateEnable))   frameRateEnable->SetValue(1);  CFloatPtr frameRate(nodemap.GetNode("AcquisitionFrameRate"));  if (IsWritable (frameRate))   frameRate->SetValue(25);  if (IsReadable(frameRate))   cout << "Set AcquisitionFrameRate: " << frameRate->GetValue() << endl;

 // Reduce the camera bandwidth for USB3.0/USB2.0 to avoid image losses  CIntegerPtr linkThroughput(nodemap.GetNode("DeviceLinkThroughputLimit"));  if (IsWritable (linkThroughput))   linkThroughput->SetValue(12000000);  if (IsReadable(linkThroughput))   cout << "Set DeviceLinkThroughputLimit: " << linkThroughput->GetValue() << endl;

 // Set the packet size for USB3.0/USB2.0. The bigger the lower the CPU load  INodeMap& streamNodemap= camera.GetStreamGrabberNodeMap();  CIntegerPtr maxTransferSize(streamNodemap.GetNode("MaxTransferSize"));  if (IsWritable (maxTransferSize))   maxTransferSize->SetValue(65536);  if (IsReadable(maxTransferSize))   cout << "Set MaxTransferSize: " << maxTransferSize->GetValue() << endl << endl;

 // For 100Mbit set the packet size to 1500.  // In case of GigE connections/adaptors that support Jumbo Frames, you may increase it.  CIntegerPtr gigePacketSize(nodemap.GetNode("GevSCPSPacketSize"));  if (IsWritable (gigePacketSize))   gigePacketSize->SetValue(1500);  if (IsReadable(gigePacketSize))                 cout << "Set GevSCPSPacketSize: " << gigePacketSize->GetValue() << endl;

 // For 100Mbit/GigE set the inter-packet delay to decrease the load.  // This is especially needed for Fast Ethernet connections.  // This may decrease the resulting frame rate though.  CIntegerPtr interPD(nodemap.GetNode("GevSCPD"));         if (IsWritable (interPD))                 interPD->SetValue(5000);         if (IsReadable(interPD))                 cout << "Set GevSCPD: " << interPD->GetValue() << endl << endl;

        // The parameter MaxNumBuffer can be used to control the count of buffers         // allocated for grabbing. The default value of this parameter is 10.         camera.MaxNumBuffer = 10;

        // This smart pointer will receive the grab result data.         CGrabResultPtr ptrGrabResult;

 CImageFormatConverter formatConverter;  formatConverter.OutputPixelFormat= PixelType_BGR8packed;  CPylonImage pylonImage;  int i= 0;

 // Create an OpenCV video creator  VideoWriter cvVideoCreator;  // Create an OpenCV image  Mat openCvImage;

 // Set to != 0 to record AVI video file  if (saveVideo > 0) {   // Define the video name   std::string videoFileName= "openCvVideo.avi";   // Define the video frame size   cv::Size frameSize= Size(width->GetValue(), height->GetValue());   // Set the codec type and the frame rate. You have 3 codec options here.   // The frame rate should match or be lower than the camera acquisition frame rate., CV_FOURCC('D','I','V','X'), 20, frameSize, true);   //, CV_FOURCC('M','P','4','2'), 20, frameSize, true);   //, CV_FOURCC('M','J','P','G'), 20, frameSize, true);   }

        // Start the grabbing of c_countOfImagesToGrab images.         // The camera device is parameterized with a default configuration which         // sets up free-running continuous acquisition.         camera.StartGrabbing( nImagesToGrab, GrabStrategy_LatestImageOnly );

        // Camera.StopGrabbing() is called automatically by the RetrieveResult() method         // when c_countOfImagesToGrab images have been retrieved.         while ( camera.IsGrabbing())         {             // Wait for an image and then retrieve it. A timeout of 5000 ms is used.             camera.RetrieveResult( 5000, ptrGrabResult, TimeoutHandling_ThrowException);

            // Image grabbed successfully?             if (ptrGrabResult->GrabSucceeded())             {                 i++;   // Access the image data.                 cout << "Got an image: " << ptrGrabResult->GetBlockID() << endl;   cout << "SizeX: " << ptrGrabResult->GetWidth() << endl;                 cout << "SizeY: " << ptrGrabResult->GetHeight() << endl;

  // Convert the grabbed buffer to pylon image   formatConverter.Convert(pylonImage, ptrGrabResult);   // Create an OpenCV image out of pylon image   openCvImage= cv::Mat(ptrGrabResult->GetHeight(), ptrGrabResult->GetWidth(), CV_8UC3, (uint8_t *) pylonImage.GetBuffer());

  // Set to != 0 to save images   if (nImagesToSave > 0) {    //Save 'n' JPG images    if (i <= nImagesToSave) {     // Create the current image name for saving     std::ostringstream s;     s<< "image_" << i << ".jpg";     std::string imageName(s.str());     imwrite(imageName, openCvImage);    }   }

  // Set to != 0 to record AVI video file   if (saveVideo > 0)    cvVideoCreator.write(openCvImage);

  // Create a display window   namedWindow( "OpenCV Display Window", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL);//AUTOSIZE //FREERATIO   // Display the current image   imshow( "OpenCV Display Window", openCvImage);   // Define a timeout for customer's input in ms.   // '0' means indefinite, i.e. the next image will be displayed after closing the window   // '1' means live stream   waitKey(1);

`#ifdef PYLONWINBUILD                 // Display the grabbed image on Windows OS.                 Pylon::DisplayImage(1, ptrGrabResult);


            }             else             {   // The image was corrupt. Print out the error code.                 cout << "Error: " << ptrGrabResult->GetErrorCode() << " " << ptrGrabResult->GetErrorDescription() << endl;             }         }  // Release the video eventually  if (saveVideo > 0)   cvVideoCreator.release();     }     catch (GenICam::GenericException &e)     {         // Error handling.         cerr << "An exception occurred." << endl         << e.GetDescription() << endl;         exitCode = 1;     }`

    // Comment the following two lines to disable waiting on exit.     cerr << endl << "Press Enter to exit." << endl;     while( cin.get() != '\n');

    return exitCode; }


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