Upgrading opencv to 3.0?

Miro report abuse

Opencv 2.4.8 used to work out of the box with Ubuntu 14.04. I tried upgrading to 3.0 recently, but even with my python version (2.4.8) I was unsuccessful. Does anyone have a tutorial on how to do this?


bjoernrennfanz report abuse __ edited

Hello, have you tried to use an PPA for Ubuntu like this?


First you need  add-apt-repository , you could find it on Ubuntu 14.04 in the  software-properties-common package.

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common

Then activate the PPA for OpenCV 3

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:amarburg/opencv3
sudo apt-get update

After this setup, you can simple install OpenCV3

sudo apt-get install opencv3

Best regards


Miro report abuse
pklab report abuse


I would suggest to build OpenCV from source because you can configure/optimize your build as you want. Using CMAKE It's quite easy, it will find any Python available on your system. You can find tons of tutorial... search the net with  Install OpenCV 3.1 Python/C++


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