Which direction is more promising, NLP or CV?

ahykeefv report abuse

Which direction is more promising in your opinion, Natural Language Processing or Computer Vision? I'm not going to choose my profession based on this, I'm still a student and I don't have such a variety of job offers yet. I'm just wondering how it really is. What do you think?


PintoR report abuse

It seems to me that computer vision is developing faster at the moment, but this does not mean that it is more promising. CV researchers were simply more fortunate in order to master certain tools.

Wkniuz48 report abuse __ edited

@PintoR Perhaps this even means that there is more unknown in NLP and more scope for creativity.

Quantum_07 report abuse

It seems to me that this is an illusion that computer vision changes the world more, because we see all sorts of impressive things like self-driving cars. While advances in language processing are changing technology more, it is difficult to assess. These are often unattractive things like advertisements.

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