AR for social needs

Tetti2019 report abuse

AR is a very interesting topic. Nevertheless, many people consider AR as a technology for the gaming industry. Can somebody explain me briefly please what problems can be solved by AR in such social fields as education and healthcare?


JuneMOOre report abuse

In healthcare, AR can help to do some exercises for people who need to rehabilitate after injury or simply want to lead a healthy lifestyle. Also, it can be useful for explaining patients some matters related to their diseases. AR can be extremally helpful for improving the convenience of hospital buildings usage (think about different signposts, virtual information desk, individual assistance for each patient, etc.).

cwizards report abuse

Tetti2019, in education, AR can be used for demonstration purposes by modeling the real world objects and performing some actions with them which are useful for students but are impossible in real (digital twins creation and usage). Also, mobile learning (Coursera, EdX, etc) can use AR to increase students engagement even if they pass the course from the remote villages from their smartphones.

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