What algorithm / C# library can I use for specific facial expression recognition?

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I'm building some C# app written in Unity3D on facial expressions recognition and I'm on the way of facial recognition implementing DLib. What I'd like to do is to ask the user to repeatedly alternate between a neutral face and a face that expresses some emotion. I have to admit that I don't want to limit the indication gesture specifically to winking/blinking/opening eyes wide or smth like this. I'm thinking of building the learning process of what the user's facial indicator is by comparing the facial landmarks of the two states, but I actually got stuck at this point, because I don't even know the names of any AI algorithms that might be relevant for my purpose or anything. I guess only that OpenCV would be a good choice as I already have a license for a library in Unity3D.


BoiKo report abuse

Since you're a newbie in face recognition but code C# I advise you trying an EmotionAPI which is for now is a part of MS Azure's Face API, that has integrated emotion and facial expressions recognition. Plus, it has a large pre-trained dataset that may also be helpful for you.

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