IoT devices in industrial environment

jeluw report abuse

Can anybody suggest which IoT devices are used in industrial IoT applications? With "industrial" I mean some remote weather stations, pumping systems and so on, like something that doesn't use in a domestic environment.


cwizards report abuse

Actually' it's quite hard to advise one IoT device as it depends much on the usage and constraints of the project. In general, you can look at STM32, Azure Sphere MT3620 Development Kit or Digi XBee3 modules solutions to develop a proof of concept industrial project.

jeluw report abuse

Thank you for your answer, it makes sense.

cwizards report abuse

Choosing of proper IoT device depends on the situations it's planned to be used much. I mean, look at the specifications of the device you're thinking of using in industrial environment, it can give you some clues about how suitable it is.

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