Center the object that constantly changes speed

MikeErsam report abuse

I'm tracking an object moving in the sky. The problem is that I can track objects that have a steady speed of moving easily, but not the objects that constantly change the speed. For computing distances of the objects from the center of the image, I'm using OpenCV library. But seems I'm not able to cope with the algorithm. Does anyone have an idea of how to deal with such an object?


BingoB. report abuse

If I understood you well you need to learn more about model predictive control. It can help you solve the problem of object tracking on a mathematical satisfying way. First, you need to create a prediction model and then program your controller.

MikeErsam report abuse

Not sure I caught the idea.

BingoB. report abuse

Every object in the sky generates a trajectory during the time. On timestep T0 the object is at place X1 while on timestep T1 it is on place X2 and so on. A forward model can predict the next position of the given object. This model takes the current position (on x and y axes) and the desired next timestep as an input and returns the possible position of the object.

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