How can I build custom CNN with cuDNN?

Olya_Olya report abuse

I would like to test a modified back-propagation algorithm for a custom CNN, but some existed frameworks such as TensorFlow didn't allow me to do it. Maybe that's because my bp algorithm is not the same as the TF's, so I guess, I need to implement the algorithm from scratch using cuDNN. But where can I start? Are there any simple samples or tips?


cwizards report abuse

Olya_Olya, actually, it`s not necessary to work on such a low level. Tensorflow allows overwriting the backpropagation algorithm by your own approach. You can see some good examples here:

Olya_Olya report abuse

Thanks a lot! And what would you recommend besides TensorFlow?

cwizards report abuse

I guess, if you want to use your own CNN, you can try to implement it from scratch with pandas and numpy.

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