Which language should I prefer?

a-bode report abuse

I just bought the DataCamp subscription. I am a beginner at programming and want to learn Data Science, so any advice will be appreciated. DataCamp gives the possibility to learn two languages - Python and R. Here are two huge career steps with 20+ courses in each. I don't know, which first career I need to choose because one career took around 80 hours to complete. Any advice?

Regards, a-bode


communitymanager report abuse

Hi! Thanks for your question! And congrats for your purchase and the decision to start programming. We guess, what will help you most is the DataCamp Community. For example, here is a good infographic "Pylon vs. R": https://www.datacamp.com/community/tutorials/r-or-python-for-data-analysis If you have any more detailed questions regarding to programming later on, please let us know! Good luck!

JuanG report abuse

Hi a-bode, how did you decide?

I think R is more specified for data analysis and has plenty useful packages. But some may find it a little bit hard for learning as the first programming language. If you know any PL then better start courses with Python. Python is also more generic (you can do a lot of interesting things in different areas with Python, not only in Data Science), so on my opinion Python is better.


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