Connected World

communitymanager report abuse __ edited

Matching to our current Smart Life Contest, in which the submission phase is closed, what do you think in general about "connected world"? What would you like to control in your environment?


sharad-garg report abuse

I would like to control the radiations from Smartphone. I have been in area where these radiation were jammed , felt so different and fresh..

communitymanager report abuse
Nice controlling idea! I think, there are a lot of efforts in this direction. Is it one of your topics you are really working on or just a wish so far?
sharad-garg report abuse

I am not working on this top as if now but would love to work on the same.I had an idea called smattress , a smart mattress to ensure sound sleep where in this topic also involved apart from piezoelectric fiber adjusting sensors to ensure spinal health

communitymanager report abuse
Hi! You have good and healthy ideas! What about your smart mattress? Is it just an idea or have you progressed this idea a bit further?
sharad-garg report abuse
It is an idea ...I have design but not implemented yet!
communitymanager report abuse
What's your next step? How do you want to advance your ideas? Do you already have participants?
sharad-garg report abuse

I am currently working on the idea selected for phase 2 by imaging hub..I am working alone on these ideas ..I will work on smatress after smart life contest..I will definitely require support for the same.

communitymanager report abuse
That's a good idea. That's what the Imaginghub is for! Why don't you start a discussion in our forum and link to your project? I think this way you will find participants and get useful support.
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